Friday, September 5, 2014

Cloth Diapering (CDing???) Here.We.Come!

Guess what is apparently all the rage right now in baby land? Cloth diapering!

I didn't jump into this because it's "the new thing". When we decided to make the switch, we did it to cut the cost of $80+ in diapers each month and make a one time investment that will last until every one is potty trained. But when I began my research, my goodness all the information! The terminology, the different types, the different brands, the different reasons why certain ones are better at night and others are better for grandparents to attempt. Yep-it's all in there. I thought I would be reading "how to put on a cloth diaper" then buy them and POOF! ready to go. (Why I thought it would be that easy I guess goes to show how little about this topic I knew...I also think people make it a tad more complicated than it really needs to be...) I can't even go into the laundry aspect of it-but let's just say I read some people do seven SEVEN washes of one load of diaper laundry...did I mention some are a tad intense about this? 

After processing everything and talking it over with the hubby (I didn't even mention the seven loads of laundry part), we decided just to buy some up and give it a shot-and they are arriving today! So we will officially be "CDing" parents by this weekend. unless we fail miserably and return all of them. We won't be washing seven times, dancing on our hands, walking backwards or any other odd tricks to make this work for our family. We will just make it work for our family. Makes sense, right? Do what works for YOU. Researching on the internet can only get you so far. 

I'm excited to try something new and to hopefully make a great transition into this side of diapering! (who knew this topic could get me so excited!)

So wish us luck and pray we don't wake up with horror on our faces after cloth diapering our children over night. 

Happy Friday!


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