Monday, September 15, 2014


This past Saturday night, my hubby and I laid in bed talking about this and that. Our weekend conversations usually go late into the night, as he doesn't have work the next day and our topics bounce from one to the next.

A topic that doesn't get focused on enough by our society, and yes us included, is how blessed we are to have what we have. We went into a discussion and reflected on all that God has given us.

(just to name a few) People in less fortunate countries are putting their babies to bed hungry, and we are able to feed our two babies three+ meals a day. Others risk their health just to drink the only available water, and not only do we have clean faucet water, but we use it to make coffee and ice just for convenience. We mentioned how we had two sweet, healthy and growing babies soundly asleep in the next rooms over and how we were cozied into a warm bed.

We are so blessed daily by God's presence, His word and works in our lives. So often we get caught up in the newest of new everything and don't step back to realize how lucky we are to even have the items we do.

I feel beyond blessed by the gifts of love, safety, and health that I have daily-and knowing that anything can change in a moment, I will strive daily not to be taking these wonderful gifts for granted.

Jump into a conversation or ponder this for yourself-it really puts your life in perspective.


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