Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Organizational Blunder

Some days my house looks like a tornado hit it-and I simply walk over the piles of dirty clothes in our room and the 100th toy in the living area and just want to relax and not worry about everything being in its proper place right.that.minute.

Then other days, I get on my husband for not putting dishes directly in the dishwasher instead of just leaving them in the sink...

(I have a very patient husband) ;)

What's wrong with me??? I wish I was either completely Type A, where everything has an order, a place, a function, a cubby to fit into --OR--there's a mess and some day I'll clean it up. I'm totally and completely in the middle. I feel like that makes me more narcotic than if I was uptight about everything being put away! (Am I making sense here...? No... ?)

I know I am much happier when I can have a full day of cleaning and then after that it's just picking up after the kids or a load or two of laundry here and there rather than letting it all pile up for a week. But with two babies some days I DO want to just sit with them and not clean or think about the ten loads of laundry sitting in our rooms. AM I THE ONLY ONE? I'm assuming not.

Sometimes I think, maybe we have too much "stuff" and if we didn't, "stuff" wouldn't just be laying in my hallway. But then I look around and think, well what could we get rid of........................................and then that thought ends.

I know it will all get put away eventually-and then get dirty eventually. It's the circle of life people. The circle of a beautiful, messy life :)

At the end of the day, I have healthy kids who have a plethora of entertainment that doesn't involve the TV ; and clothes on their backs that they can dirty up all they want ; and a husband who makes me desserts with dishes that end up getting dirty ; and a warm place to live that is some times a mess.

That could've been THE most pointless post to date, but that's alright with me!


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